Wednesday, June 6, 2012

13th Rajab- Father's Day

13th Rajab marks the birth anniversary of the Lion Of Islam Imam Ali (a.s). Ali is a name that i have been fond of since the day i had my senses of understanding. Whenever in trouble or crisis the first word that would always surrender to my lips was the name of Ali. Chanting his name immediately brought a sense of relief to me and assured me that everything shall be ok.13th Rajab , is also celebrated as father's day around the world for all muslims. There are no words to describe about Imam Ali's excellent father qualities. He is the father of Hassan , Hussein , Zaynab & Umme Kulthum. Each of his children have inherited exceptional qualities from their father. Imam Hassan obtained the tongue of his father , when I. Ali used to speak , people used to love his talks and how he always solved matters like the Prophet (saww) used to. Imam Hussein obtained his sword Zulfiqar while Bibi Zaynab obtained patience and power of speech from him. Bibi Kulthum obtained perseverance from her father.

Enlightening further on father's day , there's a natural phenomenon that father's tend to be the most dearest person to a girl while mother's tend to be the most dearest person to a boy. This doesn't mean that mother's are not dear to girls or fathers are not dear to boys , but its just that one of them will always have a strong feeling towards their parent. The love of father and daughter is beautifully shown from the relationship of Prophet Muhammed (saww) and Bibi Fatema. As a daughter, he loved her so much, that she won his love and regard to such an extent that the Holy Prophet used to rise, whenever she came near him. On this occasion on Father's day i wish to honor the man who has been a vital part of my life , without him i wouldn't be what i am. To my father , you have always been an inspiration and role model i look upon. Your values and principles on life have always helped me in my life , if not for you i wouldn't be capable of facing this stiff world. Thank you father for always being there for me whenever i needed a friend , a guide and most importantly a person that i could talk to about anything.

How can we forget the person responsible for spreading the message of Husayn after Ashura ? Yes it was the daughter of Ali, Zaynab who after the event of Kerbala ensured that Imam Husayn's message was kept alive. This is Zaynab, Ali's daughter.

Imam Ali's status is so eloquent that he was the only one for whom the doors of Kaabah were open. He's commitment to the religion of Allah was so pure and magnificent that when the Prophet (saww) asked who would accompany him for the war he was the only one who stood up aged only 13 at that time.

He lifted the doors of khaybar with his fingers, that is the power of Ali; and you still ask why Ali is my Mawla ? He obtained shahadat in his sujood in the holy month of Ramadhan and you still wonder why my lips never get tired of saying Ya Ali ?

On the 13th of Rajab, We took an initiative to let the whole world know about him through twitter with the aid of Ahlulbayt Tv. Starting at 8pm UK time we created a trend of Imam Ali on twitter ... And in 12 Mins Imam Ali was already trending on the top list Mashallah. It is the love of Ali from around the world that made it possible in just 12 mins and you still question my love for Ali ?
Attached with my blog is a beautiful poem recited by Nouri Sardar describing all the qualities of Imam Ali.

i can go on and on writing about Imam Ali , but no matter how much i write no words can describe who he was ….

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